アジア・アフリカ地域の8カ国(インドネシア、カンボジア、ザンビア、バングラデシュ、フィリピン、マラウィ、ミャンマー、ラオス)から、教育行政官、研究者を招聘し、「カリキュラム開発と教師教育」について各国が直面している課題、それらの解決にかかる政策・施策等について議論を重ねる国際シンポジウムを下記のとおり開催いたします。 参加無料・事前登録不要です。ご興味ある方は、ぜひお気軽にご参加ください。
日 時:平成28年2月22日(月)9:30~18:00
場 所:
JICA 市ヶ谷ビル(東京都新宿区市谷本村町10-5 )
アルカディア市ヶ谷(東京都千代田区九段北4-2-25) 【言 語】英語 【問合せ先】SMATEC / APATEC2プロジェクト研究センター
E-mail: cdte-idec★hiroshima-u.ac.jp (★は @に変えて下さい)
電話: 082-424-6944
[International Symposium]
Curriculum Development and Teacher Education in Asia and Africa
The imperative to provide quality education to all children is reaffirmed by the post-2015 agenda. However, securing qualified teachers and curriculum innovation—two of the important elements of quality education—are still big challenges for many countries. This symposium aims to bring together policymakers and academic researchers from different parts of the world (Bangladesh, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Myanmar, and the Philippines from Asia and Kenya, Malawi, and Zambia from Africa) to present the current status of curriculum development and teacher education in their respective countries and to discuss potential collaboration and cooperation for the coming decade to ensure quality education for the world’s children.
Participation is free of charge and no early registration is required. If you are interested, please by all means join us!!
Title:Curriculum Development and Teacher Education in Asia and Africa
Date & Time:February 22nd, 2016 (Monday) 9:30~18:00
JICA Ichigaya Building (10-5 Ichigaya Honmuracho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo)
ARCADIA ICHIGAYA (4-2-25, Kudan-kita, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo ) 【Language】English 【Inquiry】SMATEC or APATEC2
E-mail: cdte-idec★hiroshima-u.ac.jp (Please change “★” to “@”)
Tel: 082-424-6944
*SMATEC:Center for Research and Practice of International Cooperation in Science, Mathematics and Technology Education
*APATEC2:Asia Pacific and Africa Teacher Education Cooperation Center